Update from Zanzibar

Our prison ministry has visited Tanzania multiple times beginning in 2012. There is an island off the coast of mainland Tanzania called Zanzibar. It is a beautiful place with pristine beaches and lots of culture. However, ministers from Tanzania that we have partnered with have noticed the need for a church there.  There is a lack of Biblical teachings there.  One of our missionary partners in particular, Ibrahamu Gungu, believes the Lord is leading him to start a church there. We want to support the spreading of God’s work and God’s Word on earth.  We are looking to evangelize and start a movement for Christ in Zanzibar this year.  Ibrahamu will be traveling to Zanzibar in November 2024 and will need audio Bibles to hand out and will begin planting the seeds for this new church. Please use QR code to donate!

Ibrahamu teaching men and women in Zanzibar about Jesus Christ