In the famous movie The Matrix, Neo, played by Keanu Reeves, is given a choice where he can choose the red pill and live in the real world and see the world for what it really is. Or he can take the blue pill and exist in a dreamland where nothing is real. Preaching at Rehobeth International Christian Ministries for the last time on this trip to Mozambique I had the church turn to Jeremiah 42:1-17. Its a story about the Children of Israel who were remaining in Judah after its defeat at the hands of the Babylonians and how they approached the prophet Jeremiah. The remnant of people in the land asked Jeremiah to pray to God for them in order that they know where they should go. They tell Jeremiah, “Whether it is pleasing or displeasing we will obey the voice of the Lord our God to whom we send you…” (verse 6) Ten days later, Jeremiah hears from the Lord and tells the people that if they stay in the land, He will build them and plant them, and they have no need to fear King Nebuchadnezzar and the Chaldeans. But if they run in fear to Egypt that they will die there. They had just seen their great city Jerusalem burned down and defeated, making it completely understandable why they would be afraid of the army occupying their land. But God said He would be with them if they stayed. They had a choice to make. And in 2024 we have a choice to make. Do we choose to follow the Lord and live or rebel against the Lord and die? Neo chose the red pill. The remnant in Judah chose to go to Egypt. But I would encourage you to choose Jesus. The truth is that we have all chosen the blue pill. We have all chosen to rebel against God. We need God’s help to follow God, and in the flesh, we can not do it. Romans 8:8-11 explains that in the flesh, we can not please God, but through His Spirit we can, we truly become alive. In the flesh, we are dead due to sin, but in His Spirit, we are alive in righteousness. So maybe you have tried over and over to do it the right way on your own. Choose Jesus. His blood can wash away your sin and make you righteous.