Update From Angonia…Evangelism!!


Greetings to you! I pray that you are doing well by his grace. Just to report about the trip we had to Angonia for evangelism work. I thank God for your prayers, it all went well by his grace.

We managed to do door to door evangelism because the radio was not working for the time we were there, they had an electrical problem, but they have assured us that next month everything will be fixed.

By God’s grace we managed to reach three major areas of Angonia;  FRANSISCO MANHANGA, EMILIA DAUSI, and JOSINA MICHEAL. These are areas which are within Angonia town. We have managed to reach over 77 people with the message of the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. And out of 77 people, 36 received Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal savior for the first time! This is good news! And also out of those who received Jesus Christ for the first time, 28, have their own church they go for worship and they have appreciated us for clarifying the Gospel to them and leading them to Christ, and I hope they will be faithful Christians to their churches. And the rest (8 of them) who received Jesus Christ for the first time, they did not go to church, and they told us that they can start a church with us, so that we may disciple them to grow in the Lord! We have took their details, we will be calling them, praying for them, and encourage them with the Word of the Lord. And when we go back next month we will follow up!


1. We have to walk some distances to reach people in the homes; these areas are far apart; but God gave us the strength to walk around.

2. Another challenge was that some homes rejected our sharing with them the love of the Lord; others mocking us, making fun of us and calling us names; we felt bad! But God gave us the grace to move on, and we will continue to do His will for his glory!

Our next visit to Angonia will be on September 10, 2024, for the purposes of following up with those who have received Jesus Christ for the first time and do not go to church, do more door to door evangelism, and running an evangelistic radio program.

Let’s keep on praying and trusting God for His will to be done in Angonia, Mozambique.


One of the evangelism reports