“Enter by the narrow gate…” Jesus says in Matthew 7:13. He says the way that leads to destruction is a wide gate and a broad path. When we look back over our lives we recognize that to be true. I told the men at Sussendenga prison today that when stealing cars were big in my youth, it was easy to find people to ride around in a stolen car. But when I turned my life around by the grace of God through Christ Jesus it was not as easy to fill up a car of friends and go to church or go do anything good. There is a saying that misery loves company. Living a worldly-sinful life seems fun from the outside, but it’s truly miserable. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life…” John 14:6. He is the only way. He is the narrow gate that leads to life. It may not seem fair or politically correct to say Jesus is the only way, but the truth is nobody else did what He did. He was born of a virgin, He brought people back from the dead, He never sinned, He walked on water, He died for the sins of all mankind, He rose again, and He ascended into heaven. If someone else did all that, then follow them, but I believe only Jesus accomplished those things, so I will believe in Him and be saved.