Today I attended a wedding where God was not involved. It was two people who got married by a person who decided to become a licensed marital officiant online 2 weeks ago. She said these people were brought together by chance and not by God. Â I was originally asked by the couple to do the ceremony but after informing them I only preach Jesus they decided to go with someone else. My brothers and sisters we live in a world that is constantly pushing God out. They have pushed God out of one of His initial creations. It was God who said in Genesis 2:18, “It is not good for man to be alone…” It was God who made Eve and as Genesis 2:22 says, “..brought her unto the man.” Â It is our Lord who puts us together and causes two to be one flesh. This is not made by man. This is not a game of chance. God has a purpose and a plan in every marriage. God intends for every marriage to be rooted in Him. Â I was sad as I listened to the “Online” minister talk about a life where two people would figure everything out and do it on their own. She said it was their love that would keep them. Our love is not perfect but God’s love is perfect and even when our love fails God’s love can keep us.
What made Jesus cry?
I felt sad like when Jesus came to Jerusalem and according to Luke 19:41 “wept over it”. What made Jesus cry? He did not cry because they were about to crucify Him. He did not cry because He knew their praises would soon turn to ridicule. He did not cry because His disciples would soon leave Him. He did not even cry because Father God would soon have to turn His back on Him. Jesus cried because so many in Jerusalem did not believe in Him. ‎ In Luke 19:44 it says, “thou knewest not the time of thou visitation.”  Jesus knew the chaos that came with not knowing Him. Only a relationship with Him could bring true joy. Only a relationship with Him could bring true understanding. Only a relationship with Him could bring true peace.
Despite what the world might be attempting to do we must continue to preach Jesus‎. Romans 10:14 says, “…and how shall they believe on Him whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?”  Let us continue to be diligent in spreading the Word of Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth, and the life!