First of all I would like to thank you for considering partnering with us, Making Others Righteous (MOR) prison ministry, on this medical missionary trip to Kenya.
I will be traveling to Nairobi, Kenya with the‎ owners of New Beginnings Orphanages International (NBOI) from June 18, 2015 till July 1st, 2015 and I am asking for your tax-deductible contribution to help make this trip an even bigger success.
We will be bringing medical supplies, helping out at the orphanage, mentoring the youth, and spreading the love and hope of Jesus Christ.
Making Others Righteous Prison Ministry ( has worked to reduce inmate recidivism, prevent incarceration, and mentor youth  around the world since 2004. We are partnering with NBOI (‎ because statistics show that lack of parental guidance and support is the main indication of a life that leads to incarceration.  85% of the incarcerated youth in the U.S. come from a fatherless home according to Fatherless Home Magazine.  66% of children who are in the foster care system will either go homeless, go to prison, or die within a year of leaving foster care at age 18 according to Arrow Child and Family Ministries.
Family structure or a lack thereof is a higher contributor to incarceration than poverty or education. Â But studies have shown that contact with positive adult role models such as coaches, teachers, ministers for even limited periods of time can be very influential in molding a child in a positive direction.
We are looking to raise $5000 for this effort to help these children with medical supplies, food, toys, and time with positive role models.
Thank you for considering and I hope you choose to donate.
You will receive a receipt documenting your tax-deductible gift.
Follow the Link to Give Big!
You can also mail donations to:
Making Others Righteous
8008 Hollis Street
Philadelphia, PA 19150
In His Service,
Pastor Omar Fisher